Germany not worried about expansion of BRICS: Foreign minister

Germany not worried about expansion of BRICS: Foreign minister

Annalena Baerbock says interest shown by Indonesia, other nations in joining BRICS would not undermine G-20 group, or create new divisions

By Anadolu staff

BERLIN (AA) - The expansion of BRICS group would not undermine the G-20 or create new divisions, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said on Tuesday.

“No, no, I'm not disappointed. I don't see that G-20 is being weakened or divided,” Baerbock told reporters, when asked if she was concerned about the intention of Indonesia, Argentina, and dozens of other regional powers, to join the BRICS, an economic bloc comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

BRICS is widely seen as a counterweight to Western-led forums such as G-20.

During their Johannesburg summit this week, BRICS leaders will discuss whether and how to admit new members. Countries like Indonesia and Argentina, which enjoy close ties with Germany, have already expressed interest in BRICS membership.

“In times like these, every country feels how important cooperation and partnership is. And we stand for the freedom of partnership and cooperation. Any country in the world is free to choose whom to cooperate with,” Baerbock told reporters.

“And it is right that more countries demand their say, especially more countries from the group of middle states, Germany also among these countries. And they are stressing that it cannot be up to the strongest countries to shape global order,” she added.

The foreign minister also expressed criticism over Russia’s role within the BRICS, and said the war in Ukraine is likely to spark further discussions within the group.

“A close cooperation within BRICS doesn't serve anything if you have a Russian president who has bombed the grain agreement, which has effects on countries like South Africa and Brazil,” she said.

“Therefore, it would be interesting for us in these days to follow the debates and I am very much interested in, and I’m very curious. I'm looking forward to reading the final declaration,” she added.

Baerbock also said it is important that Russian President Vladimir Putin will not be able attend the Johannesburg summit, after the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for him.

“For those who break international law, such meetings will not be easy. The fact that the Russian president will not participate in this meeting demonstrates this. Because the strength of the law also has a voice in the globalized world and the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant is not a toothless tiger,” she said.

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