Germany voices support for ECOWAS's efforts to resolve Niger crisis

Germany voices support for ECOWAS's efforts to resolve Niger crisis

Foreign Minister Baerbock urges coup plotters to free Niger's ousted president, respond positively to mediation efforts

By Anadolu staff

BERLIN (AA) — Germany on Friday voiced support for diplomatic efforts by regional countries to resolve the crisis in Niger after a recent coup overthrew the civilian government.

"The united stance of West African bloc ECOWAS and the African Union, in these crucial days, is a clear sign of support for democracy in Niger and beyond," German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said in a statement.

"We support African efforts to restore constitutional order in Niger and acknowledge that the states in the region will use all diplomatic means to do so," Baerbock added.

She urged the military junta to respond positively to mediation efforts and demanded the immediate release of the country's ousted President Mohamed Bazoum and his family.

"The coup plotters must expect harsh consequences should anything happen to them," she said.

Leaders in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on Thursday said that they would "keep all options on the table" for a peaceful resolution of the crisis and ordered the activation of an ECOWAS standby force to restore the constitutional order in Niger.

Bazoum was ousted on July 26 in a military coup led by Gen. Abdourahamane Tchiani, the former commander of Niger's presidential guard.

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