Germany’s arms exports surge to $8B in 1st half of year

Germany’s arms exports surge to $8B in 1st half of year

65% of weapons and munitions exports were destined for Ukraine, according to official figures

By Anadolu staff

BERLIN (AA) – Germany exported weapons and munitions worth €7.48 ($8 billion) in the first six months of this year, up from €4.88 billion for the same period in 2023.

The German Economy Ministry released the official figures in response to a parliamentary question from the opposition Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW).

According to the figures, the largest share of Germany’s arms exports went to Ukraine (€4.88 billion), followed by Singapore (€1.21 billion), India (€153 million), Saudi Arabia (€132 million) and Qatar (€ 100 million).

Germany is currently the world’s fifth largest arms exporter, following the US, Russia, France, and China.

Although the government insists that it is pursuing a peaceful foreign policy and promoting global disarmament, the continued increase in arms exports has drawn criticism from opposition parties.

Last year, Germany's arms exports reached an all-time high of €12.2 billion ($13.1 billion).

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