Ghana’s former sanitation minister arrested for suspected corruption

Ghana’s former sanitation minister arrested for suspected corruption

Cecilia Dapaah resigned over the weekend amid public backlash after her houseworkers allegedly stole over $1 million in cash from her home

By Enoch Fiifi Forson

ACCRA, Ghana AA) - Ghana's former Sanitation Minister Cecilia Dapaah was arrested Monday on charges of suspected corruption.

The Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) confirmed the arrest, saying "Ms. Dapaah is being questioned by authorized officers of the OSP."

Dapaah resigned from her post on Saturday after it was reported that her houseworkers allegedly stole more than $1 million in cash and €300,000 ($332,000) as well as several million Ghana cedis along with some personal items from her home last year. They are currently facing trial for the alleged theft.

The disclosure of significant amounts of money in a minister's home has caused an uproar in Ghana, with many questioning how such vast amounts of money could be found at Dapaah's residence.

But President Nana Akufo-Addo accepted Dapaah's resignation letter and expressed his confidence in her integrity during her time in office.

"I am confident, like you, that at the end of the day, your integrity, whilst in office, will be fully established. I wish you the very best in all your endeavors," he said.

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