Global Media Congress begins in Emirati capital Abu Dhabi

Global Media Congress begins in Emirati capital Abu Dhabi

3-day event explores various topics, including digital communication, artificial intelligence, advanced technologies, and innovation in media sector

By Burc Eruygur

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (AA) – The 2023 Global Media Congress started in the United Arab Emirates’ capital Abu Dhabi on Tuesday.

The three-day event, which has been jointly organized by Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company (ADNEC) and Emirates News Agency (WAM), began at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center.

The second edition of the meeting has gathered journalists, media leaders and experts from around the world.

“The media can help all of us to appreciate human achievement in a way that crosses boundaries of nationality, ethnicity, religion, and culture,” UAE Tolerance Minister Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan said in his opening remarks.

Content creation is the most important thing in media rather than the technology used, the minister said, adding that media professionals have the responsibility to deliver “a balanced mix of news information, education and entertainment from local, national and international sources.”

He further said that news organizations and companies will continue to utilize digital technologies and expand on the web.

“Social media opens new worlds for us as individuals and it creates a new set of global ties for knowledge exchange, for education without borders, for international dialogue and for public policy,” Al Nahyan added.

He said that the congress provides an opportunity to make contributions on the topics that will be addressed.

The event, which runs through Thursday, explores various topics, including digital communication, artificial intelligence, advanced technologies, and innovation in the media sector.

It tackles these topics under four main themes – namely sustainability, innovation and emerging technologies in the media sector, sports media, and the future of youth, education, and media.

The conference will also feature sessions on journalism, radio, television, internet, and social media.

Kaynak:Source of News

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