Global Media Forum has concluded in Azerbaijan

Global Media Forum has concluded in Azerbaijan

3-day forum, held in city of Shusha, with participation of 50 countries, aimed to enrich exchange of insights

By Ruslan Rehimov

SHUSHA, Azerbaijan (AA) - The "Global Media Forum: New Media in the Era of the 4th Industrial Revolution," held in the symbolic city of Shusha in Karabakh, concluded on Sunday after panels on combating disinformation and journalists' safety.

The three-day forum was held in the southwestern city of Shusha under the title "New Media in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era." More than 250 participants from 50 countries aimed to enrich the exchange of insights.

During the event, topics were discussed, such as the future of new media, communication in the digital age, investment and consumer trends, and security issues.

Emphasizing the event, inaugurated by President İham Aliyev, Ahmet Ismayilov, President of Azerbaijan Media Development, said to reporters that the forum addressed contemporary media issues and solutions, including the impact of artificial intelligence on journalism.

It also discussed the differences between traditional and new media, as well as the importance of media literacy in combating disinformation, he added.

Experts discussed media product production, traditional and social media opportunities, and combating false news in the panel on "Consumption trends in new media and media literacy."

The panel on "Journalists' Safety" addressed improving communication mechanisms during crises, increasing awareness of dangers journalists face in conflict zones, enhancing professional conflict journalism, and addressing security concerns.

The city was declared this year's Cultural Capital of the Turkic World and the national and cultural heritage of the Azerbaijani people.

Located in the Karabakh region, Shusha was liberated from 28 years of Armenian occupation in 2020.

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