Greece has the oldest university professors in Europe

Greece has the oldest university professors in Europe

According to new report, more than half of Greece's professors are 50 or over, while lack of new recruitment has led to staff shortages

By Magda Panoutsopoulou

ATHENS (AA) - Greek universities employ the largest percentage of old university lecturers – defined as 50 and over – in Europe and the fewest younger than 35, says a new study by the National Authority for Higher Education.

More than half of the 17,049 total permanent lectures at Greek universities are 50 or over, according to the report showing the results of the prolonged recruitment freeze at Greek universities.

According to Eurostat, in terms of the highest percentage of professors age 50 and over, in 2020 Greece took first place with 51.9%, followed by Italy (51.2%). and Bulgaria (50%), with the EU average ranging at about 32%.

Under-35 teaching staff in Greece was at 3.8%, with Italy at 5.1%, Switzerland at 8.2%, and Spain at 9.5%. The highest percentage was in Luxembourg (52.3%), followed by Germany (39.6%) and Turkey (36.2%). The EU average is 22.8%.

The report also said the lack of new staff recruitment at Greek universities also led to the migration of young academics abroad during the economic crisis as well as the dominance of women in the under-35 category.

In this category, women outnumbered men, 52.4% to 47.6%.

“Because of the reduced number of appointments in relation to needs, subjects are no longer being taught at universities,” Giorgos Litsardakis, secretary of the university federation, told daily Kathimerini.

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