Greece’s governing party expels lawmaker for attacking worker at Athens airport

Greece’s governing party expels lawmaker for attacking worker at Athens airport

Lawmaker says he will not resign from parliament

By Ahmet Gencturk

ATHENS (AA) - Greece’s governing New Democracy party expelled a lawmaker on Wednesday who assaulted a worker at Athens International Airport.

Lefteris Avgenakis was expelled from the party’s parliamentary group and all bodies in line with a decision by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, said the party in a statement.

Commenting on the development, Avgenakis announced on X that he respects the decision.

“I was and remain a Member of Parliament for the Prefecture of Heraklion, and I will continue to serve the citizens of Crete (Island) with the same passion,” he said.

He also said he will continue to support the party and the government.

A video earlier circulated online showing Avgenakis physically attacking an employee at the airport after he was allegedly prevented from boarding a flight to Crete because he was late.

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