Gunmen kill 30 people in northern Nigeria

Gunmen kill 30 people in northern Nigeria

Deadly attack also left many wounded, says spokesman for Sokoto state

By Adam Abu-Bashal

ABUJA, Nigeria (AA) – At least 30 people were killed when suspected gunmen stormed a marketplace in northern Nigeria on Monday, according to a local official.

The assault was carried out by unidentified attackers in the Goronyo region in Sokoto state, said Muhammad Bello, spokesman for the northwestern state.

Sokoto is often targeted by armed groups. Some 20 people were killed and many others were wounded in a similar armed attack on Oct. 10.

In another deadly attack on Oct. 8, 11 people, including children and a mosque imam, were killed and others wounded when suspected gunmen from the outlawed Yan Sakai vigilante group stormed a market in Mamande village in Gwadabawa local government.

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