Health situation in northern Gaza 'totally catastrophic': Health Ministry

Health situation in northern Gaza 'totally catastrophic': Health Ministry

Israeli army intensively resumes its attacks across Gaza Strip early on Friday after humanitarian pause ends

By Mohammad Majid

GAZA CITY, Palestine (AA) – The Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza on Friday said the health situation in the northern part of the blockaded enclave is "totally catastrophic" as the main hospitals are out of service due to the Israeli war.

"The remaining three hospitals in Gaza and north of Gaza are small and incapable of receiving large number of injured people," said ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra.

He said the injured people are being treated lying on the floor and many of them have to wait until a doctor checks their health situation.

The official added that a large number of people injured in Israeli attacks were brought to hospitals.

The Israeli army intensively resumed its attacks across the Gaza Strip early on Friday after the end of the humanitarian pause, causing hundreds of causalities among the Palestinians.

At least 109 Palestinians were killed and many others injured as Israel quickly resumed striking various areas in the Gaza Strip following the end of the pause, said the Health Ministry in Gaza.

The pause between Israel and Hamas, which went into effect on Nov. 24, ended on Friday morning.

*Writing by Ahmed Asmar

Health situation in northern Gaza 'totally catastrophic': Health Ministry

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