Heavy rains cause flooding in southern Germany

Heavy rains cause flooding in southern Germany

Intense rainfall and strong winds in Nuremberg, surrounding region have caused significant damage, say police

By Erbil Basay

BERLIN (AA) - Heavy rainfall in southern Germany has caused severe flooding in Bavaria state.

Intense rainfall and strong winds in the city of Nuremberg and its surrounding region have produced significant damage, including toppling trees and dislodging roof tiles, according to a statement from the Mittelfranken Police Department.

Basements, underground garages and numerous streets and underpasses have been submerged by the rising waters.

Several vehicles have become stuck in the flooded underpasses while many cars are stranded on waterlogged roads.

Photos published in local media showcase rescue teams operating inflatable boats to assist in emergency efforts.

Widespread power outages have also occurred in various parts of Nuremberg and partial closures of the A73 highway have been implemented.

German railway company Deutsche Bahn has reported disruptions to train services due to the adverse weather conditions, with trains no longer stopping at Ulm and Günzburg stations.

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