Heavy rains kill 21 in Oman

Heavy rains kill 21 in Oman

Oman ravaged by relentless rainfalls that have brought life to standstill

By Ibrahim al-Khazen

ISTANBUL (AA) – Heavy rains and flash floods have killed at least 21 people in Oman, local authorities said on Thursday.

The Gulf country has been ravaged by relentless rainfalls this week that have brought life to a standstill.

According to the state news agency ONA, efforts are underway to locate two missing people following the heavy rains.

On Wednesday, the Omani National Committee for Emergency Management (NCEM) said some 1,630 people have been rescued and 630 others evacuated over the past three days.

The Agriculture Ministry said the amount of water retained in the country’s dams reached 30,955 million cubic meters from the rainfalls.

*Writing by Ahmed Asmar

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