Hezbollah mourns 2 more fighters killed by Israel

Hezbollah mourns 2 more fighters killed by Israel

New fatalities brought the number of Hezbollah fighters killed in clashes with Israeli forces since Oct. 8, 2023 to 335

By Anadolu staff

BEIRUT (AA) - The Lebanese group Hezbollah announced Tuesday the death of two of its members in the ongoing confrontations with the Israeli army in southern Lebanon.

In separate statements, the group identified them as Belal Aladdin and Abbas Naser, both of which were killed "on the road to Jerusalem," referring to the Hezbollah fight in support of the Palestinian resistance facing the Israeli devastating onslaught in Gaza.

The new fatalities brought to 335 the number of Hezbollah fighters killed in clashes with Israeli forces since Oct. 8, 2023, according to an Anadolu tally.

The Israeli army earlier announced attacking military targets for the Hezbollah group in southern and eastern Lebanon.

Tensions have risen along Lebanon's border with Israel amid cross-border attacks between Hezbollah and Israeli forces as Tel Aviv presses ahead with its deadly offensive on the Gaza Strip, which has killed more than 37,100 people since last October following a Hamas attack.

*Writing by Ahmed Asmar in Ankara

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