High risk of floods persists in many parts of China

High risk of floods persists in many parts of China

Authorities are working to clear storm-hit Beijing and Hebei province where 20 deaths were reported, search of 19 missing ongoing

By Riyaz ul Khaliq

ISTANBUL (AA) – China could face more flooding after fatal weekend rains lashed the capital Beijing, authorities said Wednesday.

The country's National Commission for Disaster Reduction (NCDR) has said many parts in northern and southern China “face high risk of flooding” this month as “two or three typhoons will make landfall or influence weather systems across the country,” Beijing-based Global Times reported.

The authorities have predicted higher rainfall in north and northeastern China, western and southern parts of South China, and the southern part of China’s southwestern regions.

Also on Wednesday, a red alert for rainstorm was issued for the northeastern province of Heilongjiang.

At least 20 people were killed in Beijing and Hebei province while 19 others are still missing since heavy rains lashed the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region last weekend.

Authorities had to mobilize soldiers and military choppers to search and rescue the affected people as tens of thousands of people were moved to safer places across many provinces.

Typhoon Doksuri, which brought heavy winds and rains to the country, hit southern Fujian province last Friday and has since lashed across northern parts of the country.

Due to heavy downpour, at least 13 rivers already exceeded warning levels, broadcaster CGTN reported.

The disaster authority has also warned of periodic high temperatures and drought along the northern parts of the Yangtze River besides forest fires in other places.​​​​​​​

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