Hosting Ukrainian refugees cost France $672M in 2022: Report

Hosting Ukrainian refugees cost France $672M in 2022: Report

115,000 Ukrainians moved to France last year after war started with Russia, says Court of Accounts

By Nur Asena Erturk

ANKARA (AA) – France spent €634 million ($672 million) last year on hosting Ukrainians displaced by the war with Russia, according to official data released on Tuesday.

At least 115,000 Ukrainians sought refuge in France in 2022, the Court of Accounts said in a report.

Accommodation was the primary cost, accounting for a third of the expenditure, double the cost of the solutions offered to “classic asylum seekers,” the report said.

Allowances given to Ukrainian refugees cost amounted to over €218 million, while more than €253 million were spent on accommodation.

Accommodating one Ukrainian refugee cost €38 per day on average, according to the data.

Another expenditure was the €150 monthly payment the French government announced last November for families hosting Ukrainian refugees, the report added.

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