Hungarian premier sees Ukraine's military victory against Russia unlikely

Hungarian premier sees Ukraine's military victory against Russia unlikely

Peace between Kyiv, Moscow can only be reached if US wants, says Viktor Orban

By Cuneyt Karadag

BERLIN (AA) – Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Tuesday said he does not see it possible for Ukraine to achieve a military victory against Russia.

In his statements to German newspapers Bild and Welt, Orban argued that the cooperation between Ukraine and the West had failed.

He said thinking that Ukraine can win a war against Russia would be described as misunderstanding the situation, since as he believed such a victory "is not possible."

The Hungarian premier also said the Ukrainian soldiers will wear out faster than the Russian troops and that would be the determining factor in the end.

He also asserted that peace can only be reached if the US wants.

"The most important thing is what the Americans want to do. Ukraine is no longer a sovereign country, they do not have money, they do not have weapons," Orban said. "They can only fight because we support them. Therefore, the US makes peace."

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