Hungary detains Norwegian citizen for plotting terrorist attack

Hungary detains Norwegian citizen for plotting terrorist attack

Police say 45-year-old suspect threatened to kill people, attack airport, train stations

By Talha Ozturk

BELGRADE, Serbia (AA) – The Hungarian police on Tuesday detained a 45-year-old Norwegian citizen in Budapest suspected of planning a racist terrorist attack similar to the racist attack that killed 77 people in Norway in 2011.

The Hungarian counter-terrorism forces said the man was detained during a raid on his house on June 14 after he shared many videos on digital platforms explaining the attack plans.

The suspect threatened to attack airport, train stations, and planes and said he would "kill the innocent." He shared the videos in the English and Scandinavian languages.

The police said many electronic devices were confiscated from the suspect's house who was later brought to court.

After contacting the Norwegian authorities, the Hungarian police found that the man has been convicted of many crimes, including violence and sex crimes, in Norway.

Police said the suspect is being held at a forensic mental institution.

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