Hunter Biden's Washington, DC law license suspended due to gun conviction
Jury found President Biden's son guilty of unlawful gun possession while using drugs
By Darren Lyn
HOUSTON, United States (AA) - Hunter Biden's Washington, DC law license has been suspended due to his recent gun conviction, according to a newly released order reported by multiple news outlets on Tuesday.
The order was issued by the DC Court of Appeals which oversees the district's Bar Association.
Biden's three felony convictions related to unlawful gun possession while using drugs appear to be the types of "serious crimes" under the DC Bar rules that govern those immediate types of suspensions.
President Joe Biden's son also faces potential suspensions throughout the US where he has previously been licensed. Legal experts said it is typical for bars in other states to reciprocate law license suspensions or disbarment orders.
A jury in the state of Delaware found the younger Biden guilty earlier this month of unlawful possession of a gun in 2018 while using drugs. He was also convicted of making false statements related to drug use when purchasing the firearm.
The case was the first of two trials headed by Special Counsel David Weiss. The second case will go to trial later this year.
Biden has asked for a new trial in the gun case. His attorneys have also argued that his case violated the US Constitution's Second Amendment, which affords citizens the right to bear arms. Those appeals have been unsuccessful.
Biden has not worked as an attorney in recent years. He last worked at the high-profile law firm Boies Schiller & Flexner from 2009 to 2017, according to court documents.
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