‘I will use my voice, music for global peace,’ says legendary Italian tenor

‘I will use my voice, music for global peace,’ says legendary Italian tenor

‘War is foolish thing, greatest mistake of humanity,’ says Andrea Bocelli

By Anadolu staff

ANKARA (AA) – Renowned Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli said that he will use his voice and music to contribute to the promotion of global peace.

“Music speaks to the human soul, it affects it profoundly. If my voice and my music can contribute to the improvement of the current global conditions, I am blessed,” Bocelli told reporters on Saturday in Istanbul ahead of his concert in Türkiye’s metropolitan city next year.

“I am willing to sacrifice my voice if it means establishing peace. In my opinion, war is a very foolish thing. Setting aside its horrors, it is the greatest mistake of humanity," he said.

“I have respect for all religions. If there is one God, He is the God of all of us. Everyone may address Him by a different name and worship in their own way, but we all believe in the oneness of God,” Bocelli noted.

"The actions we take in this world are really painful. We must adhere to our religious beliefs, but we also need to respect other faiths,” according to Bocelli.

Bocelli quoted an Italian journalist as saying: “Revenge can sometimes relieve your mind, but it carries much heavier consequences than forgiveness.”

Bocelli, who is set to perform at Besiktas Dolmabahce Stadium on June 8, 2024, in an event organized by BWO Entertainment, CEO Event, and Dolmabahce Stock Companies, will address a vast audience with his enchanting voice.

The 61-year-old opera singer is known for the fusion of opera and pop music.

Having recorded several solo albums and sold millions of records worldwide, Bocelli has performed duets with artists such as Celine Dion and Jennifer Lopez.

Bocelli was diagnosed with congenital glaucoma when he was an infant but became completely blind at the age of 12 following a football accident.

*Writing by Zehra Nur Duz

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