In a first, Chinese scientists summit Mount Cho Oyu

In a first, Chinese scientists summit Mount Cho Oyu

Expedition yields vital data on high-altitude climate, glacier dynamics

By Alperen Aktas

ISTANBUL (AA) – Chinese scientists have achieved a historic feat as they summited Mount Cho Oyu, the world's sixth-highest peak, for the first time, local media reported on Monday.

The expedition aimed to conduct vital scientific research on the mountain, which is situated on the China-Nepal border and stands at an altitude of 8,201 meters (5,1 miles), said state-run Xinhua News.

During the expedition, the team installed automatic weather stations at high altitudes, measured snow and ice thickness, drilled ice cores, and collected snow and ice samples. The research is crucial for understanding climate change in extremely high-altitude areas, according to the news agency.

The summit of Mount Cho Oyu, known for its thickness of ice and snow, offers a unique opportunity to study glacier retreat, carbon cycles, and human health at extreme altitudes.

The mission is part of a broader scientific exploration of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and follows the successful Mount Qomolangma expeditions in previous years.

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