Indian embassy in Turkey celebrates Republic Day

Indian embassy in Turkey celebrates Republic Day

Turkish deputy minister, ambassadors of several countries attend the event

By Fatih Hafiz Mehmet

ANKARA (AA) - Indian embassy in Ankara organized an event to celebrate its country’s 69th Republic Day on Friday.

The reception, held at a hotel, was hosted by Indian Ambassador to Turkey Rahul Kulshreshth.

Turkish Deputy Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Yuksel Coskunyurek, Russian Ambassador to Turkey Alexey Yerhov and Iranian Ambassador Mohamed Ibrahim Taherian Fard and other ambassadors from different countries attended the event.

A group performed traditional Indian dance and the guests were served with traditional Indian food.

India became independent in 1947, however, it adopted the Constitution on Jan. 26, 1950 and it declared itself a sovereign, democratic and republic state. Since then, Jan. 26 is celebrated as Republic Day in India.

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