Indonesia: Terror plot suspects linked to Daesh figures

Indonesia: Terror plot suspects linked to Daesh figures

Police say 4 men arrested for plotting terror attack linked to Indonesians accused of recruiting for Daesh

By Ainur Rohmah

TUBAN, Indonesia (AA) - Indonesian police revealed Wednesday that four men arrested last week for plotting a terror attack during Ramadan were not simply inspired by Daesh, but actually affiliated with Indonesians accused of recruiting for the extremist group.

National Police Chief Gen. Badrodin Haiti said the three suspects captured in East Java province June 8 -- identified as Priyo Hadi Purnomo, Jefri and Feri Novendi -- and another apprehended June 9 -- known by his initial S -- planned to conduct “acts of terror” on the 17th day of Ramadan.

The 17th day of the holy month of fasting would fall on June 22.

"They are in direct contact with Bahrun Naim and Abu Jandal," quoted him as saying, referring to two Indonesians suspected of having important roles in Daesh’s structure.

Although Naim has been in war-torn Syria since 2015, Indonesian authorities believe he masterminded an attack in Jakarta that killed eight people -- including four Daesh-affiliated assailants -- in January.

Meanwhile, Abu Jandal al Yemeni al Indonesi -- whose Indonesian name is Salim Mubarok Attamimi -- appeared in a video uploaded onto YouTube in December 2014 in which he threatened the country’s army and police.

National police spokesman Inspector Gen. Boy Rafli Amar also underlined Wednesday that the four suspects arrested last week were not only inspired by Daesh ideology, but actually connected to the group.

"They are recruited by people who are affiliated with ISIS [Daesh]," quoted him as saying.

He said the men had been radicalized by Sibghotullah, who Indonesia has considered a terrorist for years and who was arrested in Malaysia while heading for Syria in December 2014.

Sibghotullah, who like many Indonesians uses one name and was imprisoned for a bank robbery in 2010, allegedly recruited Purnomo and Novendi into his terror network while they were serving time in Porong Prison in East Java.

His group is classified as a newcomer in the Daesh network in Indonesia, and has reportedly been active since 2015 by spreading “radical propaganda”.

Last week’s raid saw anti-terror personnel recover three active high-explosive bombs, two long-barreled guns, a short-barreled firearm, liquid chemicals, a bayonet and mobile phones.

Police suspect that since two of the four suspects were released from prison two years ago, the group has been planning to carry out suicide bombings in public spaces and to attack police officers.

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