Indonesian Embassy in Türkiye marks Independence Day

Indonesian Embassy in Türkiye marks Independence Day

Through 'countless storms and crises,' Indonesia stands 'proud and tall' in its 78th birthday, says Indonesian ambassador in Ankara

By Necva Tastan

ISTANBUL (AA) - Members of the Indonesian community in Türkiye marked the Southeast Asian country's 78th Independence Day on Thursday.

Indonesian Ambassador to Türkiye Lalu Muhammad Iqbal led an event in the capital Ankara, which was attended by Turkish guests, students, Indonesian community members, and embassy officials.

Through "countless storms and crises," Indonesia stands "proud and tall,” he told the ceremony, where a band of the Turkish National Police Academy performed.

"Today, we (Indonesians in Türkiye) are here with various traditional clothes not to emphasize our differences but to show our gratitude for the rich diversity we have as a blessing from the God Almighty," Iqbal said.

Indonesia declared independence from the Dutch Empire in 1945, and Aug.17 was declared a national holiday in 1946.

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