INFOGRAPHIC - Supporters of PYD/PKK terror group terrorize Europe

INFOGRAPHIC - Supporters of PYD/PKK terror group terrorize Europe

Supporters of PYD/PKK terrorists have so far carried out 20 assaults in various parts of Europe

By Serife Cetin

BRUSSELS (AA) - Supporters of PYD/PKK terrorists are terrorizing Europe amid Turkey's Operation Olive Branch, which was launched late last month to remove PYD/PKK and Daesh terrorists from Afrin.

According to information gathered by the Anadolu Agency, supporters of the terror group have conducted 20 assaults in different cities of Europe since the beginning of the Operation Olive Branch.

With the start of the operation on Jan. 20, the PYD/PKK supporters have called for protests across Europe and conducted them in different cities of the continent. The supporters at the protests have also displayed the photograph of Abdullah Ocalan, the terrorist head of the PKK -- the parent group of the terrorist PYD/PKK -- along with PKK and PYD rags.

PYD/PKK supporters launched their first assault on Jan. 21 against Sultan Alparslan Mosque in Germany's Kassel city, shortly after Afrin operation began.

On the same day, the terrorist supporters also attacked and vandalized two mosques in Germany's Minden and Leipzig. They damaged the walls of the mosque's association building and wrote "PKK", "YPG", "Afrin" and "revenge" on the walls.

Sympathizers of the PYD/PKK terror organization also attacked Turkish citizens during an unauthorized demonstration at Germany’s Hannover airport on Jan. 22.

Two Turkish passengers were injured after sympathizers of the PYD/PKK terrorists attacked them with clubs. German police used tear gas to end the attack.

In the Netherlands, the windows of the Turkish Geylani Mosque, which is run by the Geylani Foundation, were broken and the walls were vandalized by PYD/PKK supporters on Jan. 22. “Afrin”, “Apo” (referring to the convicted leader of the terrorist PKK), and "PKK youth" were written on the mosque’s walls.

In Paris, the terrorist sympathizers blocked the Strasbourg-Saint-Denis metro station on Jan. 24 after French police did not allow them to stage a demonstration at the U.S. embassy in the French capital.

The Eyup Sultan Mosque in Germany's western city of Frankfurt was targeted overnight on Jan. 24 as well by supporters of the PYD/PKK terror group, who painted threats against the Turkish Muslim community on the main gate. The mosque is also run by DITIB, a moderate Muslim organization founded by Turkish migrants in the country.

The supporters of the PYD/PKK terror organization also emerged on Jan. 25 at Ireland's capital Dublin. A group of around 40 individuals carrying the terrorist group's rags gathered around the embassy building at Raglan Road and tried to forcibly enter its garden but were later prevented by security guards.

The Stade-Bützfleth Ulu Mosque, linked to DITIB, located at Germany's Hannover city was vandalized by the PYD/PKK supporters. The mosque and a youth center that belongs to the mosque was attacked with slogans and threatening messages painted on the walls while all the windows were broken.

Sympathizers of the PYD/PKK terror organization on Jan. 27 targeted the building of Azerbaijan-Turkish Culture Association at The Hague city in the Netherlands. Four masked men tore down the windows using stones. On the same day, the PYD/PKK supporters assaulted two Turkish taxi drivers in Amsterdam and attacked a Turkish journalist.

The PYD/PKK supporters on Jan. 28 vandalized a building of the Union of European Turkish Democrats (UETD) in Stockholm and painted pro-PKK slogans on a wall of the building.

The incident at UETD building took place ahead of an event that was to be held in support of Turkey's Operation Olive Branch in Afrin; initial police report revealed the attackers wrote "Biji YPG [meaning Long Live YPG]", "Apo", "PYD", "PKK" and "Afrin".

On Jan. 29, a mosque in the French city of Bordeaux belonging to the Islamic Community-National Vision (IGMG) was targeted by supporters of the PYD/PKK terrorist group, who vandalized it and spray painted threats against the Turkish Muslim community on its walls. The assailants wrote the name of the PKK/YPG terror group, and phrases like “we will come back” on the mosque wall.

On the same day, unknown men attempted an arson attack on a vehicle belonging to the Turkish Consulate General in Zurich. The attack is thought to be conducted by the PYD/PKK supporters who are said to be very active in Switzerland.

The terrorist group supporters again on Jan. 31 targeted a mosque in Germany’s western city of Aachen. The assailants tried to remove the nameplate of the Aachen Mosque, smashed several windows of the building and placed stickers that included anti-Turkey slogans.

On the first day of February, supporters of the PYD/PKK terror organization occupied a train station in Utrecht city in the Netherlands to protest against Turkey’s Afrin operation. The terrorist supporters held an unauthorized demonstration using terror group's rags.

On Feb. 2, the car of a Turkish citizen was violently attacked with sticks by PYD/PKK terrorist supporters in Germany. Ibrahim Yildiz's vehicle suffered a great deal of damage when he and his children were inside; the incident took place in the Lebenstedt district of Salzgitter province.

On the same day, the Ahi Evran Mosque, which is currently under construction and belongs to the Islamic Foundation in the Dutch port city of The Hague was vandalized; a Turkish flag was crossed out with red paint while slogans against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan were also written on it.

In Rotterdam, supporters of the PYD/PKK terror organization attacked Turkish demonstrators. The terror group supporters, who were holding banners at the market hall, also attacked reporters, not allowing them to capture footage of the incident.

Finally, on Feb. 5, a mosque in Germany's Hannover city was attacked by the terrorist group supporters. The Halle Saale Mosque affiliated with DITIB Hannover region was vandalized using spray paints. The mosque association's head Ali Tetik's house was also targeted by the assailants a day before the incident.

It is highly disconcerting that although the EU recognizes the PKK as a terror group, security forces of the bloc are yet to conduct comprehensive arrests of such assailants holding unauthorized demonstrations from time to time and for holding the terror group's rags. It causes security concerns in the upcoming period across Europe due to the security forces' tolerance of such sympathizers of the terror group.

The three-decade-plus campaign of the PKK, listed as a terrorist group by the U.S. and the EU, has killed some 40,000 people, including women and children in Turkey.

In recent years, through its branches in Europe, the PKK has also organized events promoting itself at the European Parliament, despite Ankara’s objections.

Ankara has also repeatedly criticized European countries for not doing enough against the terror group. Turkey has also strongly condemned the PKK drug trafficking in Europe and has repeatedly urged action against it.

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