Investigation launched following alleged death threats to French officer who killed teen

Investigation launched following alleged death threats to French officer who killed teen

Lawyer for Florian M., who killed Nahel M., claims they have received death threats

By Esra Taskin

PARIS (AA) - The Paris Prosecutor's Office has launched an investigation because of death threats to the police officer who killed a teen last month, and his lawyer, according to media reports Friday.

Laurent-Franck Lienard, the lawyer for Florian M., who killed Nahel M, 17, filed a complaint with the Prosecutor's Office claiming that they have received death threats, the Liberation newspaper reported.

Thousands took to the streets when Nahel M. was shot dead June 27 during a traffic check in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre after he allegedly ignored orders to stop.

Protests started in Nanterre and quickly spread to other cities, including Lyon, Toulouse, Lille and Marseille.

Tensions rose following clashes between police and protesters, before losing steam this week.

Vehicles and public buildings including town halls and schools were set on fire, and police arrested 4,000 people, mostly teenagers, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin told the Senate on Wednesday.

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