Iraq stands firm in supporting long-term stability in Yemen: Foreign ministry

Iraq stands firm in supporting long-term stability in Yemen: Foreign ministry

Baghdad says ‘political consultation agreement’ has been signed by both Iraq and Yemen’s foreign ministries

By Haydar Karaalp

BAGHDAD (AA) – Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein said Sunday that his country supports dialogue between the parties to the conflict in Yemen and the establishment of permanent stability in the country.

Hussein was speaking to reporters after meeting with his Yemeni counterpart Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak in the capital Baghdad.

"There is an undeclared cease-fire in Yemen. We wish for all parties in Yemen to engage in dialogue for this cease-fire to be effective. The Iraqi government is ready to provide support in this regard. We maintain good relations with all parties in Yemen and support the achievement of lasting stability in the country,” he said in a joint press conference.

Hussein expressed Iraq’s readiness to provide support in improving the humanitarian situation by facilitating the entry of health and food supplies into Yemen.

“We also wish for Yemen to resume its exports of oil and gas. We support the Riyadh Agreement signed in 2019 and Saudi Arabia's efforts to unite Yemeni parties at the negotiating table. We also hope that this will lead to a consensus that will end the war,” he added.

Hussein also said that a delegation from Iraq's foreign and interior ministries will be sent to Yemen to monitor the situation of Iraqi citizens in the country.

He pointed out that a "political consultation agreement" has been signed between the two nations.

Bin Mubarak expressed his country’s willingness to further strengthen relations with Iraq.

He said they support Iraq's mediation between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which has positive implications for Yemen's situation.

"As the legitimate government of Yemen, we are committed to the unofficial cease-fire,” bin Mubarak said.

Bin Mubarak highlighted that Yemen is still facing an economic war. In December, Houthi militants targeted places involved in Yemen's oil exports, causing Yemen's government to be unable to export oil and affecting millions of people.

He also condemned recent attacks on the Quran and Iraq's flag in Europe, saying they do not accept the repetition of such actions.

*Writing by Esra Tekin in Istanbul

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