Iraqi army announces fresh anti-Daesh ops in Diyala

Iraqi army announces fresh anti-Daesh ops in Diyala

Notorious terrorist group still maintains 'sleeper cells' in Iraq, military officials fear

By Hussein al-Amir

DIYALA, Iraq (AA) - Iraqi forces on Friday began fresh military operations aimed at finding and neutralizing Daesh terrorist cells in the eastern Diyala province, according to a local police source.

"Army forces backed by Hashd al-Shaabi fighters have launched a major security operation against Daesh remnants in Diyala’s Azim sub-district 60 kilometers north of Baqubah," Police Captain Habib al-Shimar told Anadolu Agency.

“Security forces have found and arrested a number of wanted individuals and confiscated unlicensed weapons,” al-Shimar said.

Last December, Iraqi officials announced that Daesh’s military presence in the country had been all but dismantled.

Nevertheless, it is feared that the group still maintains “sleeper cells” in certain parts of the country.

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