ISNA Offers Condolences to the Families of the Victims of the San Bernardino Shootings

ISNA Offers Condolences to the Families of the Victims of the San Bernardino Shootings

ISNA Offers Condolences to the Families of the Victims of the San Bernardino Shootings

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) is outraged by the horrific attacks at Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California.
We mourn with the families of the victims and pray for their ease and comfort during this time of difficulty.
According to, there have been 355 mass shootings (4 or more victims) in the last 336 days. Gun violence is a serious issue in America and we urge our leaders to take decisive action towards gun control.
In a statement ISNA President Azhar Azeez said "ISNA sends its condolences and prayers to the families of the victims. We urge the community to stand united against violence and to promote peace and understanding. We also ask that the media reports responsibly by fact checking its stories and by not engaging in fear-mongering rhetoric that may lead to further backlash against American Muslims."
ISNA encourages all Islamic centers and masajid (mosques) to address this topic in their upcoming Friday prayer services.

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