ISNA Welcomes Obama's Visit the Islamic Society of Baltimore

ISNA Welcomes Obama's Visit the Islamic Society of Baltimore

ISNA Welcomes President Obama's Visit and Address at the Islamic Society of Baltimore

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) welcomed President Obama's address at the Islamic Society of Baltimore (ISB) earlier today and thanks him for his commitment to combat bigotry.
In the midst of hateful rhetoric and the rise of Islamophobia during this election season, ISNA sees President Obama's address as step in a positive direction and his visit as a historical moment. President Obama's message highlighted the contributions of Muslim Americans as a vital part of the American community throughout the nation's history. We hope the address becomes a launching pad for dialogue to move the nation towards the pluralistic society the Founding Fathers envisioned. ISNA encourages friends of other faiths and more elected officials to visit mosques across the nation.
President Obama stated, "Leaders of all faiths must condemn hateful rhetoric and violence against Muslims. None of us can be silent. We cannot be bystanders to bigotry. Together, we have to show that America truly protects all faiths."
ISNA continues its commitment of joining leaders of all faiths to foster relationships and to work towards a just and pluralistic society that is welcoming of all citizens without discrimination and bigotry based on religion, race, gender or class. 
ISNA President Azhar Azeez, who was in attendance at ISB, said, "President Obama's address was inspiring, but also a reminder that we must continue to engage and serve our community as way to combat Islamophobia and strengthen the fabric of our nation."
We encourage our members to write a message of appreciation to President Obama for his support. 

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