Israel: Netanyahu given more time to form gov’t

Israel: Netanyahu given more time to form gov’t

Netanyahu won a record fifth term in the April 9 polls

JERUSALEM (AA) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was granted additional two weeks on Monday to form a new government, according to local media.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin held a meeting with Netanyahu on Monday during which he accepted his request for a two-week extension of a deadline to form the government, the media said.

Under Israel’s Basic Law, a candidate for Prime Minister is given a 28-day period for forming the government, and the president may extend this period for an additional period of no more than 14 days.

In office for a decade, Netanyahu won a record fifth term in the April 9 polls after his right-wing Likud party won 36 seats in Knesset (Israel’s parliament).

Netanyahu had run in the polls while facing corruption and bribery charges in three cases.

If he manages to form a new government, Netanyahu will be the longest-serving leader in Israel's history.

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