Israel renews calls for Palestinians in Gaza to head south

Israel renews calls for Palestinians in Gaza to head south

Israeli military claims Hamas has military facilities in civilian areas

By Ikram Kouachi

Israel on Saturday renewed its calls for Palestinians in Gaza to head south “temporarily” for their “safety.”

In a statement, the Israeli army spokesman, Avichay Adraee, told the residents of the northern Gaza Strip, specifically Gaza City: “This is an urgent warning to head south temporarily for your safety.”

“Hamas has placed military facilities and forces in civilian areas and is using you,” the spokesman said, adding: “Pay attention.”

The Israeli army on Friday widened its air and ground attacks on the Gaza Strip, which has been under relentless airstrikes since the surprise offensive by Hamas on Oct. 7. International aid agencies said they lost contact with staff in Gaza after Israel knocked out internet and communications.

At least 7,703 Palestinians have been killed in the Israeli attacks. Some 70% of the Palestinian deaths are women and children, according to official figures.

The death toll in Israel stands at more than 1,400.

Gaza's 2.3 million residents are grappling with shortages of food, water, and medicine due to Israel’s massive air bombardment and total blockade of the enclave.

The UN General Assembly called for an immediate humanitarian truce, with 120 states voting for a resolution put forward by Jordan. Israel, however, rejected it.

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