Israel to spend $843M on expanding control over occupied East Jerusalem

Israel to spend $843M on expanding control over occupied East Jerusalem

Initiative meant to address social inequality, promote economic development, says government

By Abdel Ra'ouf D.A.R. Arnaout and Cagri Kosak

JERUSALEM (AA) - The Israeli government, aiming to bolster its influence over occupied East Jerusalem, unveiled a budgetary plan set to span the next five years.

According to a statement released Sunday by the government, a budget of 3.2 billion Israeli shekels ($843 million) has been earmarked for investment in East Jerusalem between 2024 and 2028.

The statement said the objective of this initiative is to address social inequality and promote economic development in East Jerusalem.

Regarding the plan, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said "the decision will change the face of Jerusalem."

It will contribute to an increase in the number of those who receive a high school diploma, Netanyahu added.

The Palestinian curriculum, called tawjihi, is taught in schools in East Jerusalem, leading to a high school diploma. However, Israel wants students to be taught the Israeli curriculum.

Palestinians living in occupied East Jerusalem are struggling with Israel's attempts to change the curriculum, despite efforts to preserve it.

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