Israel warns against burning of Torah in Sweden

Israel warns against burning of Torah in Sweden

Top Israeli diplomat says incident may harm ties with Stockholm

By Abdelraouf Arnaout

JERUSALEM (AA) – Israel warned on Friday that the burning of the Torah in Sweden could harm relations between the two countries.

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen spoke with his Swedish counterpart Tobias Billstrom and explained to him that Israel takes seriously the use of threats to burn holy books in Sweden, according to a statement by the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

Cohen told Billstrom that he was “horrified” by the possible recurrence of burning the Torah in Sweden, stating that this could harm relations between the two countries.

The Israeli foreign minister conveyed in his message that Israel expects the Swedish government to prevent such acts that would have an impact on the bilateral ties.

According to Israel 24 website, the Stockholm police announced allowing a demonstration slated for Friday, during which the Torah will be burned in front of the Israeli Embassy.

In the past few days, copies of the Holy Quran were burned in Sweden and Denmark, which were met with widespread condemnation from Türkiye, Saudi Arabia, and the Islamic world.

*Writing by Mahmoud Barakat

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