Israeli army claims to have bombed Hezbollah-linked military building

Israeli army claims to have bombed Hezbollah-linked military building

Army targeted a building in Houla area, where Hezbollah members were reportedly present

By Zein Khalil

JERUSALEM (AA) - The Israeli army claimed Saturday that it bombed a military building in the area of Houla, southern Lebanon, where Hezbollah members were reportedly present.

In a statement on X, the army added that their warplanes attacked the building where Hezbollah members were located, along with another military building adjacent to it.

The army further stated that earlier, two anti-tank missiles were launched from Lebanon and landed in the general area of Misgav Am, without causing injuries.

It reported that "the army forces responded to the sources of fire with artillery."

As of yet, there has been no comment from Hezbollah on the Israeli army's report.

Earlier in the day, the Israeli broadcasting authority reported that three anti-tank missiles were launched toward the Finger of the Galilee area near the border with Lebanon.

The authority said: “Three anti-tank missiles were launched from Lebanon."

It added that one of these missiles landed in the Tel Hai area, while the other two landed in Misgav Am, with no reported injuries.

Meanwhile, the Lebanese group Hezbollah reported targeting of surveillance equipment at Misgav Am, opposite the southern Lebanese border.

The group claimed to have achieved a “direct hit.”

Tensions have soared along Lebanon's border with Israel amid cross-border attacks between Hezbollah and Israeli forces as Tel Aviv pressed ahead with its deadly offensive on the Gaza Strip, which has killed more than 37,800 people since last Oct. 7.

Hezbollah has linked the cessation of its attacks on Israel to the end of Tel Aviv’s onslaught on Gaza.

* Writing by Rania Abu Shamala

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