Israeli army kills Palestinian child in West Bank

Israeli army kills Palestinian child in West Bank

Israeli forces raid city of Qalqilya

By Mohammed Ghifari, Hamdi Yıldız and Firdevs Bulut Kartal

TORONTO (AA) - Israeli soldiers shot and killed a child late Wednesday during a raid on the city of Qalqilya in the occupied West Bank.

The child, who suffered a serious head wound from a bullet fired by the occupation forces, was taken to the Qalqilya State Hospital and subsequently passed away, according to a statement by the Palestinian Ministry of Health.

Details of the child's identity and age were not provided.

Israeli soldiers raided Nakkar district in the western part of Qalqilya in the late hours, according to information obtained by Anadolu from local eyewitnesses.

The soldiers used live and rubber bullets and tear gas on the Palestinian youth, who attempted to prevent the raid by throwing stones and Molotov cocktails.

While Israel has not yet issued a statement on the matter, the raids were reportedly carried out with the aim of apprehending wanted persons.

Since the beginning of this year, the West Bank has been tense due to the Israeli army's repeated incursions into Palestinian cities, arresting and liquidating people it considers "wanted," as well as Israeli settlers' repeated attacks on Palestinian villages and towns.

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