Israeli army kills Palestinian in West Bank

Israeli army kills Palestinian in West Bank

'The martyr is Muhammad Abdul Hakim Naim Nada (23), and he was shot directly in the chest,' says Palestinian Health Ministry as Israeli forces storm the Al-Ain camp in Nablus

By Qais Abu Samra

NABLUS, Palestine (AA) – A Palestinian young man was killed by the Israeli army during a raid in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday.

An eyewitness told Anadolu that "dozens of Israeli military vehicles, accompanied by a large truck, stormed Al-Ain camp in Nablus from several directions."

"The force surrounded a house in the camp amid an outbreak of armed clashes with armed Palestinians and confrontations with dozens of citizens," he said, adding that prior to the withdrawal of the forces, a young man was detained.

However, the Palestinian Health Ministry said in a statement that "a young man died of his serious injury, as the occupied (Israeli forces) shot him during the storming of the city of Nablus, at noon, Wednesday."

"The martyr is Muhammad Abdul Hakim Naim Nada (23), and he was shot directly in the chest," it added.

Since the beginning of the year 2023, the West Bank has been tense due to the Israeli army's repeated incursions into Palestinian cities, arresting and liquidating people it considers "wanted," as well as Israeli settlers' repeated attacks on Palestinian villages and towns.

*Writing by Mahmoud Barakat

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