Israeli army reinforces troops in Golan Heights amid escalating developments in Syria

Israeli army reinforces troops in Golan Heights amid escalating developments in Syria

'Israeli forces have been deployed along the Syrian border, closely monitoring the developments in the area,' reports local media

By Anadolu staff

ANKARA (AA) – The Israeli army announced on Friday that it has reinforced its forces in the occupied Golan Heights in response to ongoing rapid developments in Syria.

The Israeli army said in a statement that it has “decided to reinforce air and ground forces in the Golan Heights” due to the ongoing situation in Syria.

“Israeli forces have been deployed along the Syrian border, closely monitoring the developments in the area,” it added.

Local media reported Friday that the Israeli Security Cabinet will meet on Saturday and Sunday to discuss the evolving situation in Syria.

In a related development, the Israeli army also began military exercises in the southern Golan Heights and northern Jordan Valley on Friday.

Earlier on Thursday evening, the Israeli army announced that Defense Minister Israel Katz and Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi had met with senior military officials to assess the situation in Syria.

Israel, which shares a northern border with Syria, remains concerned that opposition forces will seize weapons that could be used against the Israeli military.

Syrian opposition factions have been fighting regime forces in several regions since Nov. 27.

The anti-regime forces have gained control of Idlib province in the north and most of Aleppo province and captured Hama in central Syria on Thursday after extensive clashes for days.

* Writing by Ikram Kouachi

Israeli army reinforces troops in Golan Heights amid escalating developments in Syria

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