Israeli singer Riff Cohen cancels Istanbul concert

Israeli singer Riff Cohen cancels Istanbul concert

Cohen was to perform at Istanbul International Folk Music Festival on Oct. 12

By Omer Faruk Yildiz

ISTANBUL (AA) – Israeli singer Riff Cohen canceled her forthcoming concert in Istanbul, the organizers said on Sunday, as tensions between Israel and Palestine continued for a second day.

The concert was scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 12, as part of the 5th Istanbul International Folk Music Festival.

According to the organizers, the event was canceled on Cohen's request, who said she could not perform due to events back home.

Palestinian group Hamas launched the biggest attack on Israel in decades on Saturday, firing thousands of rockets and capturing many Israelis. It said the action was in response to the storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and increased settler violence.

In retaliation, Israel declared a state of war and initiated its own operation against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

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