Istanbul Photo Awards 2023 exhibition set to open doors in London next week

Istanbul Photo Awards 2023 exhibition set to open doors in London next week

Selection of award-winning photos to be exhibited at Yunus Emre Institute London until Dec. 15

By Nur Asena Erturk

ANKARA (AA) – The third exhibition of the Istanbul Photo Awards 2023, an international news photography contest, will open in London on Dec. 5.

Yunus Emre Institute in London will welcome the selection of works of 29 award-winning photographers in the contest organized by Anadolu until Dec. 15.

Anadolu's President and CEO Serdar Karagoz will host the opening of the event.

The exhibition will additionally feature photographs from the competition's previous editions about Palestine.

Visitors will be exploring works documenting global matters from the war in Ukraine to the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar.

Organized with support of Nikon Türkiye, the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), and Turkish Airlines, the contest delivered awards across 10 categories in this year's edition after the jury made its selection among 21,000 photo submissions.

The coveted Photo of the Year award went to Sergey Kozlov, a photographer from the European Pressphoto Agency (EPA), for his work titled Ukraine-Russia War, as recognized by the international jury.

For more information about the competition and to view the winning photos, please visit

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