Italy to host International Conference on Development, Migration

Italy to host International Conference on Development, Migration

Irregular migration, fight against climate change, challenges of energy diversification to be discussed

By Baris Seckin

ROME (AA) – Italy will host the International Conference on Development and Migration on July 23, the government announced on Friday.

A roadmap for growth and development in the wider Mediterranean and Africa, irregular migration, human traffickers’ criminal activities, environment, and challenges of energy diversification and climate change are some of the topics of the first International Conference on Development and Migration, a statement from Italian prime minister's office read.

The conference, which is Italy's "foreign policy initiative," will welcome the leaders of the Mediterranean countries, the Middle East, and the Gulf.

The leaders of the EU member states and partners from Africa are also expected to attend.

The conference will also discuss many projects, including those in agriculture, energy, and education.

* Writing by Nur Asena Erturk in Ankara

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