Italy's north grapples with hail, storms as south remains under heat wave

Italy's north grapples with hail, storms as south remains under heat wave

Tennis-ball-sized hail pelts Treviso, Padova, record-breaking southern temperatures to remain through weekend, says Health Ministry

ROME (AA) — While heavy rainfall and storms continue batter northern Italy, high temperatures persist in the country's central and southern areas, local media reported on Friday.

Hail "the size of tennis balls" pelted the cities of Treviso and Padova, will heavy rains fell on Vicenza, Verona, and Venice, causing injury and property damage.

Governor Luca Zaia announced that 110 people were injured in the northern Veneto region due to hail that left car windows shattered, along with other significant material damage.

The Italian Farmers Association (Coldiretti) Veneto Branch also said agricultural fields and vineyards in the northern regions had been affected by the severe hail.

Civil defense forces also warned of possible thunderstorms, hail, and strong winds in the regions of Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Bolzano Autonomous Province, and Emilia Romagna.

On the other hand, central and southern Italy continued to broil under extreme heat originating from Africa.

The Health Ministry announced a public warning declaring 19 cities in the grip of "red"-level extreme heat, down from 23 on Thursday as record-breaking temperatures started subsiding.

Eighteen cities will be in the "red" category over the weekend, it added.

It was noted that high temperatures, which have gripped the region over the past week, could continue through the weekend, with some areas reaching 45-47C (113-116.6F).

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