Jewish settlers kill Palestinian teen in West Bank

Jewish settlers kill Palestinian teen in West Bank

19-year-old Qusai Jamal Maatan shot dead in raid on village of Burqa, says Palestinian Health Ministry

By Awad Rjoob

JERUSALEM (AA) - A 19-year-old Palestinian was killed in a raid by Jewish settlers on the village of Burqa, Palestinian state news agency WAFA reported Friday.

The Palestinian Health Ministry announced that Qusai Jamal Maatan was shot dead by settlers who stormed the village, which is located east of Ramallah.

He was killed during a clash between the settlers and Palestinian villagers.

The settlers also brought animals with them to show that they wanted to establish a settlement by confiscating Palestinian land in the region, WAFA said.

In a message of condolence issued by the Palestinian resistance group Hamas on the occasion of the murder of the boy, it called on Palestinians to mobilize to counter the attacks of Jewish settlers.

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry also issued a statement condemning the armed and organized attacks carried out by settlers on innocent Palestinians in Burqa.

Since the beginning of this year, the West Bank has been witnessing frequent raids and attacks by Jewish settlers under the protection of Israeli forces.

*Writing by Merve Berker

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