Jewish settlers raid Palestinian village in occupied West Bank

Jewish settlers raid Palestinian village in occupied West Bank

Israeli soldiers assault, arrest Palestinian, 19, during raid

By Mohammed Ghifari Fayez Abdulsalam

RAMALLAH (AA) - Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank raided a Palestinian village Saturday, accompanied by soldiers.

Dozens of settlers conducted the raid in Et-Tevane, in the Mesafir Yatta area in southern Hebron, according to sources.

Settlers set fire to Palestinian-owned vehicles and attacked Palestinians who protested, leading to fighting with residents.

Israeli soldiers intervened and used tear gas and rubber-coated bullets against Palestinians.

Some victims faced suffocation due to the tear gas.

Soldiers also assaulted and arrested a 19-year-old Palestinian, according to the Palestinian official news agency, WAFA.

In another incident, a group of Jewish settlers gathered at a checkpoint to the entrance to Ramallah and threw stones at Palestinian-owned vehicles, causing damage.

At the entrance to the Turmus Aya district in Ramallah, soldiers opened fire on a vehicle, causing damage.

The West Bank has witnessed frequent raids and attacks by Jewish settlers under the protection of Israeli forces throughout the year.

*Writing by Esra Tekin in Istanbul

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