Jordan king approves 1st reshuffle of Razzaz government

Jordan king approves 1st reshuffle of Razzaz government

No ‘strategic’ portfolios are affected by limited cabinet shake-up

By Laith Juneidi

AMMAN (AA) - Jordanian King Abdullah II on Thursday approved a minor reshuffle of Prime Minister Omar al-Razzaz’s six-month-old cabinet, according to a statement issued by Jordan’s Royal Court.

Al-Razzaz dismissed 10 government ministers while appointing seven new people to his cabinet.

The move also saw six cabinet portfolios merged with other ministries, while a new portfolio -- that of "Administrative and Institutional Development" -- was created.

None of the government’s “strategic” portfolios (i.e., foreign affairs, defense, economy, etc.) were affected by the limited shake-up.

Al-Razzaz was appointed to the premiership in June, succeeding Hani al-Mulki, who stepped down from the post amid widespread demonstrations against an unpopular income tax law.

The al-Razzaz government is Jordan’s 18th government since King Abdullah assumed the throne in 1999.

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