Jordanian artist Tarik Milkawi is transforming basalt rocks into works of art

Jordanian artist Tarik Milkawi is transforming basalt rocks into works of art

From the young age of 15, Milkawi has turned his hobby into his way of earning a living

By Ahmed Shoura

AMMAN, Jordan (AA) - In the ancient Jordanian city of Umm Qais, north of the capital Amman, basalt rocks are taking shape in the hands of Tarik Milkawi, 41, who turns them into works of art.

He brings the basalt rocks from his hometown of Umm Qais to his workshop in Amman by car and skillfully carves them into new products.

Saying that he has been doing this work since he was only 15, Milkawi explained that what started as a hobby has now become his way of earning a living.

Basalt rocks are a type of igneous rock formed from the rapid cooling of lava on the Earth's surface or near the surface. They are typically dark-colored, fine-grained rocks and are rich in minerals such as pyroxene, plagioclase feldspar, and olivine.

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