Jordan’s Princess Iman marries Jameel Alexander Thermiótis

Jordan’s Princess Iman marries Jameel Alexander Thermiótis

King Abdullah II's eldest daughter ties the knot at ceremony in Amman

By Laith Al-Junaidi

AMMAN (AA) - Jordan’s capital Amman on Sunday witnessed the marriage of Princess Iman, the eldest daughter of King Abdullah II, in the presence of members of the royal family and local and foreign guests.

The wedding ceremony took place at the Royal Palace in the Dabouq residential district in the west of Amman in the presence of the princes and princesses in addition to guests close to the royal family, including Egypt’s first lady Entissar al-Sisi.

Princess Iman, 27, is the second child of King Abdullah II after her brother, Prince Hussein bin Abdullah, the Crown Prince.

She married Jameel Alexander Thermiótis, of Greek decent, who was born in Venezuela’s capital, Caracas, in 1994.

Thermiótis, 29, holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Florida in the US.

He worked as a co-founder and partner in the financial company Outbound Ventures and currently resides in New York City.

The Jordanian king has four children: Hussein, 29, Iman, 27, Salma, 23, and Hashem, 18.

*Ikram Imane Kouachi contributed to this report

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