Kazakhstan: President appoints Mamin as prime minister

Kazakhstan: President appoints Mamin as prime minister

Newly-appointed Askar Mamin served as interim premier upon dismissal of government last week

ASTANA, Kazakhstan (AA) - Kazakhstan’s president on Monday appointed Askar Mamin as the prime minister of the country.

In a written statement, the Kazakh Presidency said President Nursultan Nazarbayev presented Mamin, 53, as the candidate for the post to the approval of the lawmakers at a parliamentary session.

After the parliament ratified Mamin's candidacy, Nazarbayev signed the decree announcing Mamin as the premier of Kazakhstan.

On Thursday, Nazarbayev dismissed the government citing a lack of economic growth.

It marked the end of Bakytzhan Sagintayev, former Kazakh premier, government which began in 2016.

Mamin, who was the former deputy prime minister, was appointed as the interim premier, filling the gap for the post.

Kaynak:Source of News

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