Kenya protests continue as Finance Bill moves to committee stage for amendments

Kenya protests continue as Finance Bill moves to committee stage for amendments

Thousands of demonstrators engage police in running battles as they march to parliament to oppose hike in taxes

By Andrew Wasike

NAIROBI, Kenya (AA) - The streets of Nairobi were filled with thousands of protesters on Tuesday as Kenyans marched towards parliament to express their opposition to the Finance Bill 2024.

The protests come as the bill enters the committee stage, where lawmakers will consider amendments related to the contentious tax measures such as levy on income for the national medical insurance plan, as well as increased taxes on vegetable oil and fuel.

The demonstrations led to major roads in the capital being blocked by the police, which used water cannons and tear gas to disperse the crowd. The protesters chanted slogans calling for the total rejection of the bill.

A protester who spoke to Anadolu said the police fired rubber bullets. “I have a scar on my leg, I was so sure I had been shot, it was painful, but it is just a rubber bullet scar, many protesters are saying the same happened to them, ask around,” said Miriam Wanjiku, a student.

Collins Olunga, a journalist who was shot and injured after a police officer targeted him, firing a teargas canister toward him. “My hand was bleeding profusely from the explosion, I have been rushed to Aga Khan hospital and I am receiving treatment, my camera is drenched in blood, the police should allow us to do our job,” he said.

There has also been a wave of abductions across Kenya of people who have been leading the protests. Faith Odhiambo, chairperson of the Law Society in Kenya, said it was a worrying trend that should end, calling on the international community to break the silence. “Are you proud of what is happening in Kenya, is this your game plan for Kenya as a non-Nato ally,” he added.

Shakeel Shabbir, lawmaker from Kisumu Town East, was removed from parliament on Tuesday when he ran across the house carrying an anti-tax hike placard in protest.

Protests were staged in the cities of Kilifi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Nakuru, and Eldoret as well.

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