Kenyan opposition leader 'sworn in' as president

Kenyan opposition leader 'sworn in' as president

President Uhuru Kenyatta's government enforced media blackout shutting down all local TV stations airing ceremony

By Andrew Wasike and Magdalene Mukami

NAIROBI (AA) - Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga was sworn in on Tuesday as the alternative president of the people despite warnings by the government that the move amounts to treason.

"I in full realization of the high calling I assume as the people's president of Kenya, I do swear and solemnly affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Republic of Kenya, so help me God," said Odinga.

Thousands of opposition supporters filled the park in Nairobi to capacity leaving little to no room for vehicles to pass.

This comes three months after Odinga claimed the Aug. 8 and Oct. 26 elections were rigged.

Rights organizations in Kenya say that more than 100 people were killed in violence that rocked Kenya's 2017 elections.

In response to the "inauguration", President Uhuru Kenyatta's government enforced a media blackout shutting down all local TV stations airing the ceremony.

Despite police saying that they would not allow the opposition to use Uhuru Park as a venue, they kept their distance.

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta was announced as the winner of the Aug. 8 election. The result was later annulled in a historic ruling by Kenya's top court over mass irregularities and illegalities.

Raila Odinga, 73, boycotted repeat elections held on Oct. 26 calling for reforms of Kenya's electoral body, the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

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