'Kiev kiddy': Russia's Medvedev suggests cocaine found in White House meant for Zelenskyy

'Kiev kiddy': Russia's Medvedev suggests cocaine found in White House meant for Zelenskyy

'Looks like, instead of F-16s, a sedative has been prepared for Kiev kiddy,' says former leader

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) - Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of the Russian Security Council, has suggested that cocaine recently found in the White House was meant for "Kiev kiddy," an apparent reference to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"Cocaine was found in the White House. Looks like, instead of F-16s, a sedative has been prepared for the Kiev kiddy," Medvedev wrote on Twitter in English.

The US Secret Service on Sunday found white powder in the west wing of the president's official residence, which was later confirmed to be cocaine.

While there is no information linking the Ukrainian leader to the use of illegal substances, Kyiv has asked the West for fighter planes, saying they could help it defend against Russian air attacks.

Moscow launched its "special military operation" in Ukraine last February.

Medvedev, who served as the Russian president in 2008-2012, has often made statements about top officials that can be termed daring, shocking or provocative.

In May, after a drone attack on the Kremlin residence, he called for Zelenskyy's “physical elimination.”

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